Dear Members of the UN Human Rights Council!
I would like to express my gratitude to the Human Rights Council and the representatives of
Argentina, Benin, Czech Republic, Finland, Gabon, France, Gambia, Germany, Honduras,
Luxembourg, Japan, Libya, Lithuania and the Marshall Islands. Montenegro, Mexico, Nepal, the
Netherlands, Paraguay, Poland, South Korea, Somalia, Ukraine, Iceland, Britain and the United
States and I would also like to thank Mr. Javed Rahman and all those who played a role in the
adoption of this important resolution.
Of course, your correct attitude and condemnation of the crimes committed by the ruling dictatorial
regime in Iran against the people of Kurdistan and the Iranian peoples will have a significant impact
on the trial of the perpetrators in the international courts.
The adoption of the decision to establish a fact-finding mission by the UN Human Rights Council
demonstrates the responsibility of this international organization regarding the human rights
violations and crimes committed by the Iranian authorities against children, women and all sections
of society in Iran.
You are well aware of some of the oppressions of the Iranian regime against the Kurdish nation in
Iranian Kurdistan, especially the unjustified attacks of the Revolutionary Guards on the powerless
and rights-seeking people of Kurdistan and the killing of hundreds of Kurdish citizens throughout
The historic resolution you adopted by a majority on Thursday, November 24, 2022, shows that you
are well aware of the oppression and human rights violations in Iran and the crimes of the authorities
against the Iranian people and at the same time show the responsibility to defend the human rights.
I would like to inform you that the Organization of Iranian Kurdistan Struggle is ready for all kinds
of cooperation and solidarity with the UN Human Rights Council and the fact-finding mission
regarding the crimes of the Iranian authorities against the people of Kurdistan and the people of Iran.
Thank you again for your lofty attitude
Organization of Iranian Kurdistan Struggle
November 25, 2022
No 0098763401
Date 2022-11-25
Secretary General
Babeshex Husaini